Where can you find 3,000 rare books?

The Rare Book Collection lives at The Queen Square Library

The library was established in 1935 and is one of the leading neurological research facilities in the world. The Rare Book Collection extends to around 3,000 volumes from 1695 onwards.

However, after 75 years it was in need of major refurbishment, especially as research, clinical and teaching activities at Queen Square have increased enormously over that period. It has now been thoroughly updated thanks to the funds The National Brain Appeal raised.

Education & Staff Development

We invest in training and education to provide the best opportunities and attract the best people in the field. We fund research fellow posts, award prizes to outstanding students at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, and encourage staff excellence at The National Hospital.

Current initiatives in this funding area:

We enabled the redevelopment of the library, which marked a real turning point by providing on-site training facilities, a purpose-built archive and a museum. The library now gets more than 40,000 visits from students, researchers and clinicians each year. Find out more about the Rare Book Collection and Queen Square Library here.

Help us raise vital funds for Queen Square projects

Please help us achieve our vision to help create better outcomes for everyone with a neurological disorder by making a donation to help raise vital funds.

Get In Touch

Contact details

020 3448 4724


The National Brain Appeal
3rd Floor
Ormond House
26/27 Boswell Street
London WC1N 3JZ

Registered Charity No. 290173. A limited company registered in England. No. 01844281
Photography: @georgehouse/georgehouse.co.uk | @janefergusonphotography/janeferguson.co.u​k